Tag: Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies: how to invest while limiting the risks
Real roller coaster. This is what the price of cryptoassets has looked like for two years. After reaching peaks, the prices of Bitcoin and Ether, the two main digital currencies,…
The cryptocurrency industry soon to be subject to global regulation
After the bankruptcy of one of the main cryptocurrency exchanges FTX, banking and stock exchange authorities around the world called for the regulation of this sector. The International Coordination Body…
Cryptocurrencies divide experts: “Can’t trade for them”
One who is skeptical is the economist Klas Eklund at the law firm Mannheimer and Swartling. He admits that the underlying technology, the blockchain, is interesting, but believes that the…
Cryptocurrencies: these new rules adopted by the European Parliament
A first step in the framework of cryptocurrencies. The European Parliament adopted by a large majority the MiCA (Markets in Crypto-assets) regulation on April 20, as well as the regulation…
Who are the French who invest in cryptocurrencies?
Nearly one in ten French people owns cryptoassets (cryptocurrency or NFT), according to the latest study carried out by KPMG for the Association for the Development of Digital Assets (Adan).…
The European Parliament sets a framework for the cryptocurrency sector
MEPs approved rules for cryptocurrencies on Thursday, April 20, a first step at a time when several regulators around the world are trying to regulate this sector. Since the emergence…
McCaul (ECB supervision): Eurozone banks have limited assets related to cryptocurrencies
(Finance) – “In Europe, the banks are under our supervision they still have limited cryptocurrency-related assets and we have not observed any material exposure to stablecoins so far. Most banks…
the authorities try to reassure the markets despite the panic
As financial markets rocked sharply on Monday (March 13) following the collapse of California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), US President Joe Biden and European officials tried to bring the sector…
US rules out Silicon Valley Bank bailout, start-ups scared
The financial community is on its guard after the bankruptcy of the Silicon Valley Bank. The US Treasury Secretary confirmed on Sunday March 12 that the government is ensuring that…
Why Cryptocurrencies Should Not Be Granted Legal Tender Status – IMF Perspective
cryptocurrencies Although it has been in our lives for a long time, it is still discussed. While many see these digital assets as the money of the future, few people…