Tag: CrowdFundMe
Crowdfundme reaches a milestone of 200 million collection
(Finance) – Crowdfundmethe first Italian Crowdinvesting platform listed on Borsa Italiana, reached the milestone of 200 million euros of collectionstrengthening one’s role of reference in the Landing and Real Estate…
iVision Tech launches minibond supported by CrowdFundMe
(Finance) – CrowdFundMe, alternative finance group listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, supports the launch of the minibond with Frigiolini & Partners Merchant and Fundera semi-annual coupon of iVision Tech…
CrowdFundMe: meeting approves budget, appoints new Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors
(Finance) – The Shareholders’ Meeting of CrowdFundMea Crowdinvesting portal (Equity Crowdfunding, Real Estate Crowdfunding and Private Debt), which met today in ordinary and extraordinary sessions, approved the financial statements as…
CrowdFundMe, placed Keelt minibond. Listed on ExtraMOT PRO3
(Finance) – CrowdFundMeCrowdinvesting platform listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced that it has Keelt Group minibond successfully placed, a company active in the e-commerce sector that manages KechiQ, three of…
CrowdFundMe, success for Biovalley minibond: 1.7 million raised
(Finance) – CrowdFundMeCrowdinvesting platform listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced that it has successfully placed the Biovalley Investments Partner (BIP) minibond, an integrated industrial group founded in 2016 and specialized…