Tag: crossed
the remake has just crossed 5 million sales
Since the period is financial results, Capcom has decided that it was for them to also do the accounts and the Japanese publisher has something to smile about, since it…
The 15 lira threshold has been crossed; another hike in petrol prices
From the Energy Oil Gas Supply Stations Employer Union (EPGIS) according to the information received expected after diesel Gasoline was also increased. After the changing exchange rates and the increasing…
Megaflash: the longest flash ever observed crossed three states!
New satellite instruments from the World Meteorological Organization recorded titanic flashes, two of which broke world records. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Kézako: where do lightning come from,…
Chemical pollution: what is the “5th planetary limit” crossed by humanity?
Day after day, month after month, alerts are multiplying on the environmental front. “The rate at which societies produce and release new chemicals and other new entities into the environment…
A new planetary boundary has just been crossed
A few years ago, researchers set some planetary limits. Thresholds not to be exceeded if we hope to maintain the good conditions in which life has developed on Earth. Some…
Teheiura: “I crossed a red line”, he reconsiders his elimination for cheating
TEHEIURA KOH LANTA. While participating in his fifth edition of Koh Lanta, Teheiura Teahui was eliminated from the show following the discovery of cheating. He speaks on the matter. Summary…