Tag: criminals
Police employee leaked sensitive information to gang criminals
Updated 17.50 | Published 17.47 share-arrowShare unsaveSave expand-left fullscreen The folder with the printed secret documents found in the CEO’s office. Photo: The police A designated network criminal obtained large…
Young people who play football are arriving in Finland and are in danger of becoming victims of criminals, says Panu Autio | Sport
Football the suspected match manipulation that happened in the lower leagues is has spoken widely in recent weeks. Helsingin Sanomat reported on the weekend about young Brazilian boys, who had…
Several gang criminals are linked to companies that sold S-lotteries
The storm is growing around the telemarketing company Effective Communication, which was hired to sell S-owned Kombispel’s lottery tickets. According to SvD’s sources, the company has had a high staff…
Several gang criminals in the company behind S-lotteries
THREE NEWS YOU CAN’T MISS: Several gang criminals in the company behind S-lotteries The Express has previously reported that a manager at the telecommunications company Effective Communication, which was hired…
They risk being exposed to criminals
The increase in fraud in recent years has resulted in Swedish private individuals being cheated of huge sums. In 2023, 238,371 fraud crimes were reported, which was then an increase…
Successful sci-fi thriller blackmails time-travelling criminals – and challenges puzzle fans for 90 minutes
There are sci-fi films that rely on big effects and spectacle, and there are sci-fi films that rely primarily on an idea to stimulate the imagination of genre fans. Things…
Criminals get into the brf board through goalkeepers
New figures from Tillväxtanalys show that 85 condominium associations went bankrupt this year, a sharp increase from previous years. At the same time, the Ecocrime Authority has received more reports…
Minister’s anger about HVB homes run by criminals: “They should be closed”
In a report, the police have mapped the situation at HVB homes in the country. There it appears that several homes are run by people with connections to organized crime.…
Russia recruits criminals – to carry out sabotage
A series of inexplicable incidents have occurred – without any suspected perpetrator being arrested.Now the Norwegian security police, PST, is warning that Russia’s intelligence service is trying to recruit criminals.–…
Police warning: Gang criminals run HVB homes
Gang criminals in family-based networks operating HVB homes – which are used as warehouses for weapons.It warns the police after reviewing a previously classified intelligence report.– It is a failure…