Tag: Credem
Credem, Almed: suburbs beyond stereotypes, the participated story
(Finance) – Crime, degradation, conflicts: these are the predominant images that often emerge from the media narratives on suburbs. A reductive and stereotyped story, which omits the social complexity and…
Credem, sport as a training experience in the center of the sixth edition of the “Opera Primo” competition
(Finance) – L ‘Observatory Opinion Leader 4 Futurethe conscious information project of the Credem group And Almed – high school on average, communication and show of theCatholic University of the…
Credem, useful 2024 rises to 620 million (+10.3%). Dividend +15.4%
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Credemchaired by Lucio Igino Zanon of Valgirata, today approved the preliminary consolidated results at 31 December 2024. The group has “again Confirmed assetsthe…
Credem: the EBA has published the data of the 2024 “Eu-Wide Transparency Exercise”
(Finance) – TheEuropean Banking Authority (EBA) published the information package of the “EU-wide Transparency Exercise” 2024, with reference to quarterly FINREP and COREP data from September 2023 to June 2024.…
Credem, 9 month net profit at 486 million (+10.7%)
(Finance) – Believe me ended the first nine months of 2024 with a consolidated net profit to 485.9 million euros (+10.7% compared to the same period of the previous year),…
Credem, Fitch improves outlook rating to Positive
(Finance) – Fitch Ratings revised the Outlook on the Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) rating Of Believe me to Positive from Stabile and confirmed the Long-Term Issuer IDR a “BBB”…
Credem, early redemption of senior non-preferred bonds
(Telestock) – Emilian Credit announces today, following the authorization granted by the Single Resolution Board, its intention to exercise the voluntary early redemption option in relation to its €500,000,000 Senior…
Credem, the exhibition “When the tricolor was dyed yellow. The Italian champions at the Tour de France” opens
(Finance) – The exhibition dedicated to Italian champions kicks off in Turin of cycling who took part in Tour de Francepromoted by Believe me at its headquarters in Villa Frassati.…
Credem, Avvera and Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata renew strategic partnership
(Finance) – Come true And Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata (BPPB) they renew for the three-year period 2024-2026 the agreement for the distribution of personal loans of the Group…
Credem, institutional investors file list for renewal of the Board of Directors
(Finance) – Gli institutional investors they filed a minority list of only independent candidates for the renewal of the board of directors Of Emiliano Credit expected in the next ordinary…