Tag: countercyclical
Bank of Italy keeps the coefficient of the countercyclical capital reserve at zero
(Finance) – The Bank of Italy consider the countercyclical capital buffer ratio in force for the current quarter, equal to zero percent, appropriate to the current macrofinancial environment. In the…
Bank of Italy, countercyclical capital reserve coefficient remains at zero
(Finance) – The Bank of Italy consider the countercyclical capital buffer ratio in force for the current quarter, equal to zero percent, appropriate to the current macrofinancial environment. In the…
Bank of Italy, countercyclical capital buffer ratio remains unchanged
(Finance) – The Bank of Italy has communicated that it considers the ratio of the countercyclical capital buffer (countercyclical capital buffer, CCyB) in effect for the current quarter, equal to…
Gorno Tempini: CDP’s decisive countercyclical role in the pandemic
(Finance) – “Un critical economic context for the country, which in the midst of the pandemic emergency has seen a consistent fall in GDP and investments, was at the same…