Tag: count
Lost Ark instant player count exceeded 1 million
The new Free-To Play MMO Lost Ark surpassed CS: GO and DOTA 2 yesterday by setting a new record in the number of instant players. Lost Ark, which came to…
Covid-19: is it still relevant to count positive cases every day?
315,000 new cases confirmed on February 2, 416,000 the day before. Up to over half a million, Tuesday, January 25. With the Omicron variant, the peak of contaminations broke records.…
London hospital’s COVID patient count dips amid other positive signs
Content item A weeks-long string of daily increases in the number of COVID-19 patients in London hospital ended Wednesday as the number dropped, one of a few optimistic new figures.…
3 million daily cases worldwide, according to an AFP count
More than 3 million daily cases of Covid-19 were recorded on average worldwide between January 13 and 19, a figure that has increased more than fivefold since the discovery of…