Tag: Council
an Energy Defense Council to reassure the French
Emmanuel Macron convened a Defense Council on Friday, September 2, devoted to the energy crisis. Objective: to examine the different scenarios to prepare the government for all the situations that…
Energy crisis: what was said during the Defense Council
Offer the reading of this article for free to a loved one: “Energy crisis: what was said during the Defense Council” The article will be available for reading for your…
general call for sobriety, the announcements of the Defense Council
ENERGY. At the end of the Defense Council, the government maintains that energy sobriety and general mobilization are the keys to avoiding cuts and rationing of energy this winter. Update…
Energy Defense Council draws criticism from opposition
This Friday, September 2 is held at the Elysée a Defense Council devoted to the energy crisis. Emmanuel Macron brings together ministers and experts in discussions leaving aside the parties…
the National Council for Refoundation, in difficulty even before being launched
A new framework for a new method: in a week, Thursday September 8, Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate his National Council for Refoundation (CNR). Objective: to think about the France of…
the Council of State gives the green light to the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussen
The Council of State gave, Tuesday August 30, the green light to the expulsion of the imam Hassan Iquioussen, decided by Gérald Darmanin. The institution rejected the argument that this…
Imam Iquioussen expelled: “Ten years ago, the Council of State would have refused”
After 48 hours of reflection, the Council of State granted Gérald Darmanin’s request. This Tuesday, August 30, the administrative judges authorized the Ministry of the Interior to proceed with the…
The Council of State validates the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussen
Offer the reading of this article for free to a loved one: “The Council of State validates the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussen” The article will be available for reading…
risk of gas shortage? A dedicated Defense Council
ENERGY. While the energy crisis raises fears of gas or electricity shortages this winter, Russian gas deliveries are further reduced on August 30. Emmanuel Macron will chair a defense council…
the imam expelled? The Council of State will decide
HASSAN IQUIOUSSEN. Imam Hassan Iquioussen will soon be fixed. The decision as to the validity of the expulsion procedure aimed at him must be rendered shortly by the Council of…