Tag: Costner
Drastic Yellowstone step: Kevin Costner wanted to have his character killed
Things couldn’t be going better for Kevin Costner at the moment. A few days ago, his new film Horizon premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and was received with thunderous…
Yellowstone star Kevin Costner opens up about how many millions of his own fortune he poured into his new Western epic
Horizon premiered at the Cannes Film Festival over the weekend. Kevin Costner’s new film has a long history behind it. The actor and director dreamed of having one as early…
End times film with Kevin Costner shows one of the worst scenarios for humanity
It is hard enough to find enough resources and food to survive in an eschatological world. But it might be even harder everyday jobs to pursue. That’s exactly what we…
“Now explain the real reason”: Kevin Costner reveals new information about the Yellowstone dispute and continues to share
Who needs The Stars’ Summer House when there’s Yellowstone? Since the exit of lead actor Kevin Costner, the quarrel between him and series creator Taylor Sheridan has caused pricked ears…
“The best series finale of all time”: Despite the Kevin Costner crisis, Yellowstone should end on an absolute high
How good is Yellowstone without Kevin Costner? This question has been bothering Western fans since the actor left the series. Now the end of the 5th and final season is…
When are the last episodes coming and is Kevin Costner there?
After five seasons, the hype surrounding the successful US series Yellowstone has also reached Germany, not least thanks to its release on Netflix. There are many reasons to be excited…
Marvel star auditioned for an hour for new Kevin Costner film – and then Costner simply cast himself
Kevin Costner is currently in the starting blocks with his western epic Horizon, where he not only plays the leading role, but also sat down in the director’s chair and…
Forgotten Clint Eastwood hit with Kevin Costner that Steven Spielberg almost made
It was considered one of Clint Eastwood’s most successful films as a director, one of Kevin Costner’s (Yellowstone) best performances as an actor, made good money at the international box…
Kevin Costner dreams of people watching his epic Yellowstone replacement for 12 hours straight
Kevin Costner’s involvement in the hit western Yellowstone is coming to an end, including allowing him to create his own massive genre epic Horizon can get up and running. The…
For Kevin Costner, May 19th will be the most important day in years
Waterworld (and Postman) star Kevin Costner could have rested on his successful series comeback. After all, he lends his face to Yellowstone, currently the most successful fictional US series. But…