Tag: coronavirus
Moderna or Pfizer: which one to prefer for the vaccine booster dose?
The booster dose is now available to all adults who want it. From January 15, it will be required to keep a valid health pass. Pfizer or Moderna, which is…
Add another coronavirus antigen to prolong the effectiveness of vaccines?
The S protein was chosen as the vaccine antigen but its frequent mutations weaken the antibodies induced by the vaccination. At the University of California, scientists are proposing another antigen…
Defense Council: government announcements
A Defense Council was held on Monday, December 6 to discuss possible new health measures to be put in place to limit the number of Covid-19 contaminations. Find out more…
In the “complosphere”, the myth carrying vaccines that create variants
News Posted the 03/30/2021 at 2:20 p.m., update the 03/30/2021 at 2:20 p.m. 3 min read Vaccination against Covid-19 at the origin of more dangerous variants? Refuted by immunologists, this…
At 3 m distance, an unvaccinated person without a mask is 90% sure of catching Covid-19 in 5 minutes!
This is not really good news! Fortunately, wearing your surgical mask or FFP2, even poorly adjusted, can drastically reduce the risk of catching Covid-19. Two people discuss without masks, but…
Hong Kong returns to traditional port swimming after two years of hiatus
Hong Kong has revived today a sporting tradition dating back more than a century, that of swimming across Victoria Harbor, the port that separates Hong Kong Island from its mainland.…
44 thousand people took to the streets! They protested the coronavirus restrictions
Protests against coronavirus restrictions continue in Austria. In the capital Vienna, as in the past week, approximately 44 thousand people took to the streets this week, protesting the restrictions imposed…
Karl Lauterbach, new German Minister of Health and bête noire of antivax
Wednesday December 8, after 16 years of reign, Angela Merkel gave way to Olaf Scholz. The Social Democratic leader and his government come to power in the midst of the…
A 3rd dose of Pfizer’s vaccine reduces the risk of dying from Covid-19 by 90%!
A study in Israel indicates that a third dose of Pfizer vaccine significantly reduces the risk of dying from Covid-19. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] How does a…
Czech Republic wants to impose vaccination for over 60s
The central European country is among the states most affected by the pandemic in recent weeks. After the strengthening of health measures, but without confinement, the Czech authorities have just…