Tag: coronavirus
40% of Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic
What is the share of asymptomatics among confirmed cases of Covid-19? A meta-analysis published on December 14, 2021 answers this question. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Are we…
Flurona: what is it?
Flurona is an expression that was first used in January 2022. It is a contraction between the word flu which means flu in English and the word coronavirus. A person…
“It is highly probable that a new variant will find itself on the front of the stage in the coming months”
The year 2021 made it possible to verify that the SARS-CoV-2 mutations were mainly due to increased transmissibility, one of the normal strategies for a virus to survive. Two researchers…
contamination is on the increase on cruise ships
After a long forced break due to the Covid pandemic, cruise lines resumed their activities in June 2021. But faced with the spread of the Omicron variant, they have accused…
can the Omicron variant be the last variant?
The Omicron wave continues to spread across the world. The first region concerned, Europe – the current main focus of the pandemic – is recording unprecedented levels of Covid-19 contamination,…
France: vaccine pass suspended at the Assembly “the majority was not there”
Surprise suspension in the National Assembly of the text establishing the vaccination pass that the government still hopes to achieve as quickly as possible to deal with the “tsunamiOf the…
Flurona, co-infection with influenza and Covid: should we be worried?
What is flurona? Contraction between “flu”, the flu, and the coronavirus, should we fear this new pathology? Futura takes stock of what is currently known on this subject. You will…
Covid-19: France has reached a record of contaminations since the start of the pandemic
News Posted the 12/24/2021 at 11:36 am, update the 12/24/2021 at 11:36 am 1 min read More than 90,000 people were declared positive for Covid-19 on December 23, according to…
Covid vaccines at the heart of Chinese diplomacy
Since 1991, Chinese diplomacy has devoted its first official trip of the year to Africa. This year is no exception to the rule. Wang Yi begins this Tuesday a tour…
the examination of the bill on the vaccine pass suspended in the Assembly
The French deputies examined this Monday, January 3, the introduction of the vaccine pass from January 15. The new device must replace the sanitary pass. For hours, attacks by opposition…