Tag: Consob
Alkemy OPA, additions to the issuer’s press release upon CONSOB request
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Alchemya company specialized in the evolution of the business model of large and medium-sized companies and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, has approved…
Unieuro OPAS, CONSOB approves offer document. Starting on September 2nd
(Finance) – In relation to the voluntary public purchase and exchange offer (OPAS) promoted by Fnac Darty and RUBY Equity Investment on shares Unieuroa company listed on Euronext STAR Milan…
OPA Defence Tech, Tinexta has filed the offer document with CONSOB
(Finance) – In relation to the public purchase offer (OPA) mandatory on the actions DefenseTecha group listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the cyber security and data intelligence…
DiaSorin, Court of Appeal annuls CONSOB sanction on Covid communications
(Telestock) – DiaSorinan Italian multinational company active in the field of diagnostics included in the FTSE MIB, has announced that the The Court of Appeal of Turin has annulled the…
OPA Relatech, Offer Document filed with CONSOB
(Finance) – With reference to the public purchase offer (OPA) mandatory on the actions Relatecha company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and operating in the digital transformation sector of companies,…
CONSOB sanctions ING for suspicious customer operations in takeover bid
(Telestock) – CONSOB has applied against ING BANK, Milan branch (Italian branch, active under mutual recognition, of ING BANK) sanction administrative fine of 60,000 euros. The Authority, in the course…
CONSOB, Savona: in TUF reform “deflate sanctioning procedures”, lighten duties
(Finance) – “CONSOB is committed for some time to defining an operational and professional plan to face the growing commitments resulting from changes and has the necessary union consultations are…
Juventus financial statements, CONSOB fines EY and two consultants for a total of 295 thousand euros
(Finance) – CONSOB has applied administrative pecuniary sanctions against ERNST & YOUNG (EY), Stefania Boschetti and Roberto Grossi in relation to the audit work carried out on the financial statements…
CONSOB sanctions Riccardo Di Pasquale (former CEO of Fenix Entertainment)
(Finance) – CONSOB has applied to Riccardo Di Pasqualeat the time of the events Chief Executive Officer of Fenix Entertainmentone sanction administrative fine of 40,000 euros for violations of the…
CONSOB turns fifty. Meeting with the financial market on June 25th
(Finance) – There CONSOB turns fifty today. The June 7, 1974 the Italian Parliament approved, in fact, law no. 216, which introduced a regulatory and supervisory authority for the financial…