Tag: Consob
Banca Generali, green light from Consob and Bankitalia for a takeover bid for Intermonte
(Finance) – Green light from Consob and the Bank of Italy for the voluntary public takeover offer of Generali Bank on the ordinary shares of Intermonte: the membership period will…
Board of Directors, Consob lists: second consultation with the market begins, will close on 15 January
(Finance) – Consob has announced that it has started a new consultation today with the market financial for the purpose of implementing the regulatory delegation provided for by Capital Law…
CONSOB, consultation on amendments to the Issuers’ Regulations for sustainability reporting
(Finance) – CONSOB ha submitted to the market some proposals for amendments to the Issuers’ Regulationin implementation of the regulatory delegations contained in the legislative decree of 6 September 2024,…
Financial abuse, CONSOB blocks 4 sites: total rises to 1,188
(Finance) – CONSOB ordered the blackout of 4 new websites offering illegally financial services. Below i sites for which CONSOB has ordered the blackout: BVTBanco Limited (website www.bvtbancolimited.com); INCORE INVESTMENT…
Banco BPM, offer document on Anima filed with Consob
(Finance) – Banco BPM Vita filed today with Consob the offer document relating to the voluntary takeover bid on Soul. He communicates it BPM Bank, with a note, adding that…
CIR partial takeover bid, CONSOB restarts the investigation deadlines
(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) partial voluntary promoted by CIRa company listed on Euronext Milan which is owned by the De Benedetti family, the bidder…
CONSOB authorizes Tifosy Italia SIM as a crowdfunding service provider
(Finance) – CONSOB he authorized Tifosy Italia SIM to provide the crowdfunding serviceconsisting of the placement without irrevocable commitment and the reception and transmission of customer orders relating to transferable…
Savona (CONSOB): increase the allocation of savings for internal production purposes
(Finance) – “Since 1974, the date of birth of CONSOB, the relationship between money and finance has gone from 1 to 2.8 times, without the savings intended for internal production…
Servizi Italia, CONSOB approves offer document. OPA starts on 28 October
(Finance) – The bidder Cometa has communicated that CONSOB has approved the offer document relating to the public takeover offer (OPA) voluntary totalitarian promoted on the ordinary shares of Services…
OPA Servizi Italia, the Offer Document has been filed with CONSOB
(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) totalitarian voluntary on shares Services Italya company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and leader in the sector of integrated rental,…