Tag: compulsory
Sanitary pass: in which places is it still compulsory?
SANITARY PASS. The sanitary device, which is obtained with a negative test, is no longer the rule for minors aged 12 to 15 in restaurants, museums, cinemas, but it remains…
End of the mask: business, school, where is it still compulsory?
MASK DELETION. From March 14, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory indoors: no more masks in schools, universities, shopping centers, supermarkets, in companies… In some places, you still have…
End of the health pass: March 14, where is it still compulsory?
END OF SANITARY PASS. Like the vaccination pass, the health pass is lifted this Monday, March 14, 2022 in France, in places where it was required (restaurant, bar, cinema, etc.)…
Sanitary pass: where and for whom is it still compulsory on March 14?
SANITARY PASS. While the vaccination pass is abolished on Monday March 14, 2022 in France, the health pass should no longer be compulsory for minors aged 12 to 15 in…
thousands march against compulsory vaccination
On the occasion of this day of mobilization of opponents of vaccination against the Covid-19 virus, Canberra, the Australian capital, also saw around 10,000 people converge today, who came to…
Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in closed places with a pass from February 28
News Published 5 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. The mask will no longer be compulsory in closed places subject to the vaccination pass from February 28, with the exception of…
Covid recovery certificate: compulsory for the vaccination pass? A test to get it? The news
COVID RECOVERY CERTIFICATE. The Covid-19 recovery certificate is one of the possibilities to obtain a valid vaccination pass. While its deadline will be reduced from February 15, how to obtain…
For or against compulsory vaccination? Old and deep divisions
Should people be forced to get vaccinated? The idea, as old as the vaccines themselves, is currently resurfacing in the face of Covid and is still driving deep divisions between…
Compulsory vaccination: a time bomb!
Revolt in Canada, lifting of sanctions in Denmark and the United Kingdom, explosion of side effects in the American army, suspicions of corruption of pro-vax “experts”… The truth about vaccines…
Wearing a mask again compulsory in all schools from Monday 15 November
News Posted on 12/11/2021 at 10:16 a.m., Reading 1 min. Agatha Thine Journalist – Head of Pregnancy, Baby, Family, Alternative Medicine sections Due to a resumption of the COVID-19 epidemic…