Tag: compassion
Norwegian rejection in the World Championships is expanding, somebody revealed a rule of rules a month ago-Antti Kuisma: “No compassion” | Skiing mm 2025
The World Ski Championships will be heard and we will be seen live from EPN channels. See and follow all the news from the World Ski World Championships. The combined…
Fivoor patients write letter to residents after fatal stabbing: ‘I feel deep compassion’
The full letter: Dear residents of Den Dolder, As a temporary guest in your community and a client at Fivoor, I would like to express my condolences following the tragic…
Tunisia: the compassion of the Muslims of Djerba after the attack targeting the Jewish pilgrimage
In Tunisia, the Djerba attack continues to make headlines. On this Friday, May 12, a day of great Muslim prayer, she was also in the minds of the faithful. Report…
Femicide in Amersfoort: 15 years in prison demanded against man who strangled girlfriend, in-laws show compassion
The Public Prosecution Service is demanding 15 years in prison and behavioral and freedom-restricting measures against 27-year-old Björn K. for killing his 24-year-old girlfriend. That happened in Amersfoort last June.…