Tag: company
From May 68 to the pension reform, can we predict the major social crises?
If we rely on the figures, an unprecedented “social explosion” should soon spice up this beginning of the year. The pension reform, presented this Tuesday, January 10, has not yet…
Gwenaëlle d’Aboville: “Consultation is not a waste of time”
For any urban development, it is essential to take into account the opinion of residents and all users, for example, students and employees who frequent a district without necessarily living…
Three languages disappear every month: how to explain it?
WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER FOR FREE? Click here In 2015, only 9 speakers of Tosu, a Tibeto-Burman language from China, remained. No need to be an expert…
France refuses to establish a day prohibited from hunting
A day without hunting is what environmental defense associations were asking for, as is the case for example in the United Kingdom. In its plan unveiled on January 9 to…
“We can not do it, but we have to keep in mind what the impact will be”
With its pension reform presented this Tuesday, January 10, the executive hopes to make 8 billion euros in savings and 15 to 20 billion euros in additional tax revenue in…
the executive will finally lift the veil on its pension reform project
After three months of meetings and numerous consultations led by Elisabeth Borne with the social partners, the executive lifts the veil on its project and presents its text on the…
The company to watch: Qt Group, the shovel and the pickaxe of software publishing
The value of tomorrow is realized in partnership with Zonebourse.com In the field of enterprise software, Europe is a bit of a dull plain. Behind the headliners like SAP or…
new death sentences handed down by the country’s courts
After the hanging, on Saturday January 7, of two young people for the murder of an Islamist militiaman on November 3, 2022, many concerns have been expressed about the application…
“It scrolls, we see everything”: the caregivers of the police headquarters, in daily contact with madness
Shootings in the middle of Paris. Shortly before noon on December 23, a man in his sixties opened fire in the rue d’Enghien, a shopping district in the 10th arrondissement,…
Drivers furious with director Kool Transport: ‘He takes over a good company and completely empties it’
Someone who has had business contact with drivers who work at Kool Transpoort for years confirms the picture that the drivers paint. “Before the takeover, it was a really good…