Tag: common
Beware of this common mistake after a romantic separation according to a psychologist
News Published on 02/20/2024 at 2:57 p.m. Updated 02/20/2024 at 2:57 p.m. Reading 2 min. Your other half has just dumped you and you feel dispossessed? Be careful not to…
Lung cancer is more common in the poor, skin cancer more common in richer people
The research shows that cancers such as lung cancer, liver, stomach and head and neck cancer occur more often in low-income groups. While forms such as skin cancer, breast, prostate…
The museum of the history of immigration in Paris: the museum of a common history
For centuries, France has fought, built and reinvented thanks to and with its foreigners, its immigrants. This is a historical truth that the National Museum of the History of Immigration…
Europe, Draghi: “Issuance of common debt to finance investments”
(Finance) – “The opening of global markets has brought dozens of countries into the world economy and has lifted millions of people out of poverty, 800 million in China alone…
FOMO: this common syndrome actually hides a lack of self-confidence
FOMO syndrome is characterized by the unpleasant and frustrating feeling of always missing out on something. Is this your case? Summary FOMO is a social phenomenon described for the first…
It is most common in men! “Although not all of them are fatal, they must be kept under control.” If you have these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
Brain Nerve and Spinal Cord Surgery Op. about brain tumors, which are increasing and becoming a source of concern in society. Dr. Selçuk Gözcü gave detailed information and drew attention…
Is the maternal instinct innate and common to all women?
The maternal instinct is often seen as a sort of “superpower” that mothers possess and which would allow them to better understand their infant. But does it really exist? And…
Be careful, it causes hearing loss! Avoid that common mistake
Near East University Hospital Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Remzi Tınazlı says that, according to studies, the incidence of hearing loss in adolescents who…
‘It is the most common type of cancer in the world,’ he explained, ‘It can be diagnosed early! “As long as you are aware that there is a suspicious situation.”
01.02.2024 16:57 | Last update: 01.02.2024 16:58 Dr. started accepting patients at Düzce University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Department of Skin and Venereology. Faculty Member Yunus Özcan made important statements…
Do your symptoms disappear when you get to the doctor? It’s common, here’s why
News Published on 01/25/2024 at 12:55 p.m. Updated 01/25/2024 at 12:55 p.m. Reading 2 min. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director) Seeing your symptoms diminish just when you…