Tag: commission
The EU Commission proposes to relax wolves’ protection Brief news
Relaxing the wolves’ protection station would release hunting of wolves. On Friday, the EU Commission suggested that the wolf protection station be relaxed instead of strictly protected. In December, the…
The EU Commission will enhance regulation-the NGO warns of the Watering of the Corporate Responsibility Directive Brief news
Today, the EU Commission has already announced in advance of its much debate on its regulatory dismantling package, which, among other things, deregates the climate and sustainability reporting of companies.…
Agrofarma-Federchimica: View EU commission puts farmer in the center
(Finance) – Agrofarma, l‘National Association of Agrofarmaci Companies which is part Dthe Federchimica, It welcomes the vision for agriculture and nutrition, presented by the European Commission, which defines the path…
Precariat, EU Commission discusses petition of 50 historical alternates never hired. Anief: it is our proposal
(Finance) – La European Commission continues to put in default and refer Italy for theabuse of fixed -term contractsparticularly in the school where each come year school more than 200…
Henna Virkkunen: The European Commission intends to perform five bureaucratic dismantling packages | Brief news
According to Digital Commissioner Henna Virkkunen, the European Commission wants to dismantle digital regulation with at least five legs. European Commission Digital Commissioner Henna Virkkunen According to the Commission this…
Sexual violence in Betharram: a commission of inquiry into rails
After the filing of 132 complaints in recent weeks denounced violence, sexual assault and rape for more than 50 years in Notre-Dame-de-Bétharram, near Pau, deputies of the Commission for Cultural…
The European Commission reveals its vision for the future of agriculture
A year ago, the agricultural crisis which affected most of the European countries had prompted the European Commission to make concessions on the simplification of the common agricultural policy (CAP)…
towards the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into violence in schools – L’Express
The members of the Cultural Affairs and Education Commission of the National Assembly voted this Wednesday, February 19, unanimously to build up in the commission of inquiry into the “state…
This commission which is debated among magistrates – L’Express
Gérald Darmanin would have some difficulty leaving his clothes as Interior Minister? In an interview granted Sunday, February 9 at BFM TV, the Keeper of the Seals explained wish to…
Summit of the African Union: the Djiboutien Mahamoud Ali Youssouf appointed head of the Commission
The Djiboutian candidate Mahamoud Ali Youssouf has just been elected president of the African Union African Commission (AU), in Addis Ababa, this Saturday afternoon February 15. He won on the…