Tag: comet
A giant comet to see in Scorpio right now
After passing near the Earth last month, comet C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs) continues its path towards the Sun, to which it will be closest at the end of the year. In…
A giant comet is passing through Scorpio right now
After passing near the Earth last month, comet C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs) continues its path towards the Sun, to which it will be closest at the end of the year. In…
A giant comet passes through the constellation Scorpius this summer
After passing near the Earth last month, comet C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs) continues its path towards the Sun, to which it will be closest at the end of the year. In…
The giant comet K2 has just made its closest passage to Earth
A comet discovered 5 years ago will be closest to Earth on July 14. Larger than most of its congeners, C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs) is visible in telescopes. Its activity and…
Comet 2022: how and at what time to observe the passage of K2 near the Earth?
COMET. This Thursday, July 14, 2022, comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), whose trajectory is close to our Earth, is visible using a telescope. Know everything about the time of its observation.…
This summer’s comet passes closest to Earth on July 14
A comet discovered 5 years ago will be closest to Earth on July 14. Larger than most of its congeners, C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs) is visible in telescopes. Its activity and…
Comet 2022: when to observe K2, closest to Earth?
COMET. C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), whose trajectory will graze our Earth, will be visible using a telescope this Thursday, July 14, 2022. Where do comets come from and their so recognizable…
Become a comet hunter!
There are two essential elements to make a good “hunter” of comet : sound judgment and good supporting documentation. With a little experience, the observer knows a very large number…
Witness the remnants of a spectacular comet explosion this summer
In 2007, a comet was exploding in our sky. Without disintegrating. But suddenly brightening by a factor of a million! The one that the astronomers call 17P/Holmes was not his…
ESA goes hunting for comets again with the Comet Interceptor probe
On June 8, the European Space Agency gave the green light to launch the construction of the probe Comet Interceptor. The study phase of the mission is now complete, but…