Tag: CNews
A retransmission on TV on CNews envisaged but rejected for a specific reason
The funeral of Petit Émile will take place this Saturday, February 8 in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume. Parents were considering a live retransmission of the ceremony on CNews, but they were forced to…
C8 and CNews defend their frequencies before the French audiovisual “policeman”
The broadcast frequencies of 15 television channels are due to expire in 2025. All candidate channels, existing or aspiring to broadcast on the TNT network, had until Wednesday, July 17…
Bolloré Group channels C8 and CNews in Arcom’s sights
In France, until July 17, the world of television is likely to be in full swing. Since Monday, Arcom, the media regulator, has been examining applications for the renewal and…
CNews at the top of the news channels in France in May
In the race for television audiences in France, CNews has become the number one news channel for the first time, we learned this Monday, June 3. A small victory for…
Claire Delorme, weather journalist on Cnews, pulls out all the stops and adopts the “femme fatale” beauty trend with gusto
During the last Audiovisual Awards ceremony, Claire Delorme caused a sensation with a beauty look that gave her the appearance of a femme fatale. This Monday, February 26, Claire Delorme…
Éric Zemmour and CNews condemned after defamatory remarks about LFI MP Danièle Obono
In August 2020, on the set of the CNews show “Face à l’info”, Éric Zemmour strongly attacked the rebellious Danièle Obono, accusing her of several things including the fact of…