Tag: CNA
Epiphany, CNA: typical and artisanal sweets triumph in Italian socks
(Finance) – Today closes the Christmas holiday period, it used to be the first day of the year. And from a pagan holiday the Epiphany became a Christian holiday and…
CNA survey: “Food and wine spending rises to six billion on the key days of the holidays”
(Finance) – Six billion euros. This is the “turnover” of the Italian table in the upcoming holidays between home and non-home conviviality. A figure that has finally risen well above…
CNA, appeal to Brussels: artisans and small businesses at the center of European policies
(Finance) – “We ask you that the theme of craftsmanship is central to your mandate and that thanks to your commitment the craftsmanship and the micro and the small businesses…
Maneuver, CNA: correction of accounts without penalizing small businesses
(Finance) – Based on initial indicationsthe next budget law which must ensure compliance with the constraints of the new stability pact, not will contain penalizing interventions against the small business…
Tourism, CNA: September driven by foreigners, turnover of over 6 billion
(Telestock) – Over six billion euros. This is the amount of expenses that the more than 8.5 million foreign tourists expected in Italy for the current month of September will…
Cna: Fourth consecutive decline in business confidence
(Finance) – “The fourth consecutive decline in business confidence of the companies registered by theIstat It worries us but does not surprise us. It reflects the opinions of our members…
CNA, a pillar for craftsmanship and SMEs in Italy
(Finance) – The craftsmanship in Italy it is one of most valuable cultural heritagesas highlighted by a survey by Censis for Confartigianato, a real value identity of our territory, threatened…
CNA: “The account saving decree has blocked tax credits to businesses for 4.0 investments in 2023”
(Finance) – The businesses they have achieved investments in capital goods under the programme Industry 4.0 from today they cannot use the related tax credits. This is what she complains…
CNA Tourism and Commerce, 14 million traveling to Italy at the weekend: turnover of 3.5 billion
(Finance) – Nel Easter weekend they will be counted at least in 14 million tourists and day trippers traveling around Italy. There will be around seven million actual tourists with…
CNA Agroalimentare and Altragricoltura-CSA sign a collaboration agreement
(Finance) – CNA Agri-Food and Other Agriculture – Confederation for Food Sovereigntyand have signed a collaboration agreement today. It was signed by Francesca Petrini, national president of CNA Agroalimentare, and…