Tag: closures
bed closures increase further in 2022 – L’Express
The Minister of Health promised to “reopen beds” to relieve the hospital, but his “fight” promises to be tough: more than 6,700 full hospitalization beds were closed in 2022, continuing…
Work on the A12 near Utrecht in the coming weekends: diversions and closures
Utrecht – The A12 between the Oudenrijn and Lunetten junctions will be closed in various places and at several times over the next two weekends. At these times, Rijkswaterstaat replaces…
Hospital: the “unprecedented” summer of emergency room closures
This summer, the emergencies held up, at least on the front. “But at what price?” asks the union Samu emergencies of France (SudF). In study unpublished, published this Wednesday, August…
Triage of patients, partial closures… These cities where emergencies are overwhelmed
A situation “worse” than last year? This summer, emergency physicians are sounding the alarm. Closing of services, mobile units of the Samu at a standstill… Faced with the lack of…
Criticized school closures not illegal
Published: Just now full screen More than 50 people appealed the municipality’s closure decision. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT Linköping municipality’s decision to close several schools was appealed by a…
Criticized school closures not illegal
“We have come to the conclusion that there is no basis for overturning the decision,” says Kristina H Samuelsson, councilor in Linköping’s administrative court in a press release. In total,…
Closures for Björklöven and Djurgården
Hutchings and Vejdemo are suspended for two games each after two incidents in Easter Eve’s fourth semi-final in Stockholm when Djurgården won 5-4. Hutchings went on the home team’s goalkeeper…
Most Asian stock markets down after US bank closures
In the United States, the authorities promised to secure the deposits of customers of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Most Asian stock markets have been down today, as the…
Back to school 2023: all about class closures that worry students and parents
Parents of students and teachers demonstrated all over France before the holidays: they denounce the class closures announced for the start of the school year in September, defended by the…
Explosion among beet growers: “We fear early factory closures for lack of surface area”
Concern of French beet growers after the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union which considers illegal the exemptions granted in France to prohibited phytosanitary products. Sowing…