Tag: City
Premier League: Manchester City on the way to the title?
Contents of Radio Foot this Thursday: the World Cup in Qatar. Rush on the squares? 17 million requests according to FIFA, the price of a sesame for the final can…
City councilors should get fixed annual pay increases: task force
News Local News An outside committee reviewing pay for London city councilors will suggest predictable, predetermined annual raises in a bid to end yearly squabbling. Author of the article: Megan…
Newcomer EenUtrecht: ‘Utrecht people no longer feel seen in the city’
Söller, herself a primary school teacher, also advocates that parking permits for school staff become free. Sterre Noordhuis of BVNL is angry about the anti-car policy of this college. Among…
Volunteers make the city: Steffie helps Abdel with a nice sports association
JongGras matches Dutch students with newcomers in the same age group. Together they look for a suitable sport in the city. It is not the only buddy project of the…
Question from the City: What will Utrecht look like in 900 years?
Residents of the city could send in their questions in the context of the 385th anniversary of Utrecht University and UMC Umtrecht. From: ‘what is smell?’ to ‘what will Utrecht…
The City remembers Negredo
Of Vallecas Shark to The Beast of the Etihad. Two forceful, sonorous nicknames, dangerous strikers, with sharp fangs and bullies. Two nicknames that correspond to the same soccer player: Álvaro…
COVID CARD. The situation by city and by department
CORONAVIRUS CARD. Number of cases, incidence rate, hospitalized patients, patients in intensive care… Where is the Covid-19 epidemic near you? Here are our coronavirus tracking maps by city and department.…
City develops plan to create more child-care spaces
News Local News More than 760 more spaces needed by 2032: report A federal-provincial agreement aims for daycare at $10 per day by 2025. Photo by Metro Creative Graphics A…
The Forbidden City
Asia Navigate by keyboard Previous Next Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Forbidden City is the former home of Chinese emperors and one of the largest palaces in…
‘Transformational change’ of city shelter system estimated to cost $20M
News Local News It would take a huge injection of cash, roughly $20 million, from senior governments to create the kind of “transformational change” envisioned for London’s emergency shelter system,…