Tag: cholesterol
Excellent for the arteries, this eastern spice would lower cholesterol in 3 months
It contains cardioprotective compounds. Cholesterol is a major cardiovascular risk factor. It promotes the formation of atheroma plates in the arteries, their narrowing, and if nothing is done, their occlusion.…
Coffee can increase cholesterol: here is the number of cups not to be exceeded to protect the heart
“Here is my opinion as a infirmarian in cardiology,” says Jeanne Vicaire, public health manager. Originally, coffee was considered, especially in Italy and Greece, as a medication to relieve pain,…
Does beer give cholesterol?
This popular alcoholic drink is not so harmless as it is believed in cardiovascular health. Beer lovers may have already asked themselves the question by drinking their “foam”: can their…
Healing, not fruit: Reduces cholesterol, prevents Alzheimer’s and cancer!
Improvement of intestinal health, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and some cancer With a large number of benefits, including the reduction of the risk appleAlthough it is known…
What gives cholesterol?
Food is not solely responsible for a high cholesterol level. The point with a vascular doctor. Summary Cholesterol is an essential lipid for the body. It enters the composition of…
If this value in the blood analysis is not fixed, attention: your risk of developing is higher!
According to Science Daily, dementia 9 thousand 846 participants with a average age of 74. cholesterol Their levels were measured at the beginning of the study and once for three…
I am a dietician and here is my tip to reduce cholesterol in 1 month
She captures bad cholesterol to eliminate it. Many people have cholesterol without always knowing what it is really. Cholesterol is a lipid body (fat) produced by the liver and essential…
Are eggs bad for our cholesterol levels? To find out, a scientist ate 24 eggs a day for a month, and the result of his experiment was very surprising!
Are eggs bad for our cholesterol levels? To find out, a scientist ate 24 eggs a day for a month, and the result of his experiment was very surprising! Cholesterol…
Rich in antioxidants, this spicy drink would lower blood pressure and cholesterol
It contains cinnamon, a powerful vasodilator. Appreciated in winter, certain hot drinks have incredible health benefits. One of them, which some people love to enjoy during the holidays, would have…
It took its place on the counter! İbrahim Saraçoğlu also recommends it: It is very beneficial for diabetes!
Acorns grown in rural areas of Siirt are collected from oak trees. Acorns, known as a natural source of health, are also consumed instead of chestnuts. It is known that…