Tag: choice
“Being fat is a choice”: an actor from “Plus belle la vie” is controversial
News Published on 01/11/2023 at 9:20 p.m. Updated 01/11/2023 at 9:20 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Kjel Bennett, the interpreter of Bilal in “Plus belle la vie”, has recently been talked…
After ‘extremely’ difficult choice, Labyad is back at FC Utrecht: ‘Was already involved in all discussions’
There was more interest for Labyad. That way he could also have made the move to Italy. “That is also a very nice competition, but I have now opted for…
Half of the dentists in Västmanland regret their career choice: “Difficult to get by on the salary”
Within the next five years, more dental nurses in Västmanland are expected to retire, while fewer are training. Even though it is currently stable within Public Dental Services, several challenges…
The skill is still destroyed by familiar means – this NHL clan has the brightest Finnish representation and this would be the expert’s first kit choice
Saturday evening 18.2. NHL match Nashville Predators–Florida Panthers. Live broadcast on TV2, Areena, app and Urheilu’s website starting at 20:55. In the NHL, the zeitgeist is gimmicky. Youthful speed and…
A Thin Line presents 2 sisters with an impossible choice [.]
Two sisters end up on opposite sides of the law. This is the main idea behind the new hacker thriller A Thin Line on Paramount+. The star-cast series takes red-hot…
Energy transition: French agriculture at a time of choice
At the Salon de l’Agriculture Porte de Versailles, their presence alongside the livestock and regional product stands is hardly more surprising than lay visitors. In three weeks, the EDF pavilion,…
DOVO goalkeeper Jeroen Vrolijk stops and opts for a family: ‘That makes the choice easy’
For the time being, Jeroen Vrolijk will be a keeper in the third division for another four months. Whether he will stop completely after his departure from DOVO is not…
Criticism of the new Farmen participants’ choice of big farmer
After a different week in Farmen without a fight in the ting between a first-place fighter and a second-place fighter, the big farmer election landed on the three new participants…
Ukraine’s Zelensky: We have no choice but to defend and win
Ukrainian leader Zelenskiy, in his video message, addressed the people of Ukraine and gave information about the latest developments about the ongoing war in his country. Noting that Russian forces…
Never before so much choice: 19 parties participate in Utrecht Provincial Council elections
The other fourteen parties are the same as those that participated last time, namely GroenLinks, VVD, Forum voor Democratie, CDA, D66, PvdA, ChristenUnie, PVV, Party for the Animals, SP, SGP,…