Tag: Check
Did you fill out Futistietäjä before June 7? Check your playoff picks | Sport
Due to an error found in the game’s logic, some of the playoff selections made have been reset. An error has been found in the logic of the Futistietäjä game,…
Be careful, more than 360 million hacked identifiers have been published on Telegram! These are very popular platform accounts. Quickly check if you are affected by this huge leak of personal data!
Be careful, more than 360 million hacked identifiers have been published on Telegram! These are very popular platform accounts. Check quickly if you are affected by this huge leak of…
The operator is launching a new collaborative portal, Orange Cybersecure, which allows any Internet user to check if a link is malicious. You will no longer be fooled by phishing attempts!
The operator is launching a new collaborative portal, Orange Cybersecure, which allows any Internet user to check if a link is malicious. You will no longer be fooled by phishing…
Just check this setting and your phone will be twice as fast
Is your phone showing the weight of the years? There is a very simple method to speed up its operation and make it twice as fast. A smartphone is a…
The police’s call to parents: Check if your child has encrypted apps
– The criminals are offensive and parents need to be as well, says Gustav Ingolfson, head of the area police in Eskilstuna. He says that, like in the rest of…
One of the largest French operators will soon increase the price of one of its packages. Check your invoices!
After having already increased its prices at the start of the year, this famous operator is doing it again this summer by raising the prices of one of its most…
Police check: if you are asked this question, it is in your best interest to answer “NO”
During police checks, some people sometimes panic and lose all their composure. This can be detrimental sometimes, especially if you answer next to this question asked… Being stopped by the…
Double check your tax return before sending it! a technical bug caused an error in the fields automatically pre-filled by the tax authorities and you must correct it.
Double check your tax return before sending it! a technical bug caused an error in the fields automatically pre-filled by the tax authorities and you must correct it. This year,…
An alarming report from the National Energy Ombudsman accuses Enedis of overcharging households equipped with a Linky smart meter. Quickly check your invoices to see if you paid too much!
An alarming report from the National Energy Ombudsman accuses Enedis of overcharging households equipped with a Linky smart meter. Quickly check your invoices to see if you paid too much!…
Thousands of French people must check this tax box to lower their amount
This line of the tax return should not be forgotten by more than a million taxpayers. This is the big question since the tax return was opened: how can I…