Tag: change
To work, Google’s little Chromecast box must be connected to a Wi-Fi network. And if it can only memorize one at a time, you can easily change it to move it or connect it to another network. .
To work, Google’s little Chromecast box must be connected to a Wi-Fi network. And if it can only memorize one at a time, you can easily change it to move…
change computer name with windows
Want your PC to have a slightly more personal name than the one assigned by default when installing Windows? A very simple manipulation is enough to change it, in the…
Lula became the leader of Brazil with tears in his eyes – this is how the old Metalworker promises to change the South American giant
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Brazilian Workers’ Party took office as president on Sunday. The old Metal worker known as Lula says he works for the rainforest and…
Windows background and screen saver: how to change them
Want to customize the Windows interface a bit? Choose an image or slideshow to display in the desktop background. You can even use a screensaver for downtime! Summary It’s natural…
Will they change the world in 2023? Vote for your favorite
Many developments have been overshadowed by the war of aggression started by Russia and the recession. We present five interesting people to watch this year. Bella Lack, the voice of…
Climate change and exploitation threaten the Nile
Published: Less than 20 min ago previous full screen Next The mighty river flows, among other things, through Cairo in Egypt on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. 1 of…
Climate change and exploitation threaten the Nile
Facts: The Nile The Nile is roughly 660 miles long and is usually considered the world’s longest river, although some claim that it comes second only to the Amazon. The…
Taxation: housing tax, childcare costs… What will change in 2023 for individuals
Housing tax, tax credit for childcare… From 2023, a series of tax reforms and adjustments to tax practices will apply for individuals, under the new law of finance, fiercely contested…
Elon Musk announces a new change for Twitter
twitter who bought the platform for 44 billion dollars Elon Musk continues to make new changes on the platform. Elon Musk It continues to work to make Twitter a more…
Climate change: in Florida, the “most ambitious green project in the world”
The sea is rising and the sky is falling on their heads. Between rising waters and more frequent tropical rains – not to mention hurricanes – Floridians are sandwiched by…