CCNL renewal of air transport, reached the agreement between the social partners
(Finance) – le Associations employers’ Assaeroporti, 2030 airports, Assneo, Assocontrol, Assohandlers, Fair, Federcatendo and the Organizations Union Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uil Trasporti and Ugl Air Transport today signed the general part…
MOF 24/25: new resources to enhance school staff thanks to the 2019/2021 CCNL, signature and assignment imminent
(Finance) – The delegation Aniefcomposed of the general secretaries Stephen Cavallini And Daniela Rosano and by the head of the DSGA department Alberico Sorrentinoreiterated his positions when meeting the public…
Minimum wage, Supreme Court: “If it is poor, go beyond the Ccnl”
(Finance) – Do not consider national contracts as the only parameters for evaluating fair and dignified remuneration. This is the exhortation that the Supreme Court sends to the judges with…
UGL, Capone: “No to the law on the minimum wage. It is necessary to strengthen the CCNL and reduce the tax wedge”
(Finance) – “The radical transformations taking place in the world of work, the instability of the international scenario and the worsening of the economic situation require extraordinary measures to avoid…