Tag: canceled
Eurockéennes 2022: two evenings canceled after a storm, the info
EUROCKEENNES OF BELFORT. After a violent storm, the organizers announce the cancellation of Friday. The Eurockéennes de Belfort festival will resume on Saturday. Summary [Mis à jour le 1er juillet…
Thousands of flights have been canceled in the summer in Europe and the situation does not seem to be easing – what is the cause of the chaos and how should a passenger prepare?
Thousands of cancellations, delays and queues for hours. Major congestion has been seen in European fields this summer and we should continue to be prepared for it. Severe labor shortages…
75 canceled flights in Norway
The SAS strike has been temporarily called off, but in Norway a large number of passengers are affected by a completely different air strike. 75 flights will be canceled during…
All planned operations are canceled in Umeå
All planned operations are canceled at the university hospital in Umeå and the hospital goes into so-called staff mode. The reason is lack of care places. Admission of patients who…
Johnny Depp gig in Norway is canceled
How the case of the disease affects the gig at the Annex in Stockholm on 27 June is still unclear. The Norwegian gig will be moved until July 2. Johnny…
Holidays are canceled and trains are replaced by expensive taxi journeys
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-21 22:52 The article’s original address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/semestrar-stalls-in-och-tag-ersatts-av-dyra-taxiresor/ Many Britons felt the consequences of the train strike that broke out on Tuesday. Many could not get…
Food voucher: canceled in 2022! Why ?
FOOD CHECK. The payment of the food check is postponed by the government. Beneficiaries will still have to wait several months. It is replaced by the inflation bonus of 150…
Baarn puts culture house back on the agenda, presentation De Speeldoos plans canceled
The municipality of Baarn has canceled an information evening about De Speeldoos theater. The final renovation plans would be presented next week, but in the new coalition agreement, four political…
Asylum seekers’ flight from Britain to Rwanda was canceled
The reason for the withdrawal is the intervention of the European Court of Human Rights. Britain’s first flight to transport asylum seekers to Rwanda in Central Africa was canceled just…
Unique sci-fi series with Vikings star canceled after nasty cliffhanger
The first season caused mixed reactions, but season 2 improved significantly: Despite this, the sci-fi series Raised by Wolves has now been cancelled. And that after the last episodes on…