Tag: bureaucracy
Solitude, bureaucracy, discipline… Live my life as a teacher
The daily existence of teachers is a world that is relatively poorly understood. Reading the latest book by Sylvain Bersinger, And it surprises you that we can no longer find…
At the CNRS, the bureaucracy heats the spirits: “You have to stamp everything triple”
“Administrative obstacles” to the CNRS? Pierre laughs yellow. “I have an anecdote, you will quickly understand,” slips this sociologist in his sixties, who preferred to remain anonymous. The researcher works…
Youth care in the Amersfoort region next year under one roof: more overview, less bureaucracy
According to figures from the VNG, the number of children using youth care has increased rapidly. At the beginning of this century, this concerned 1 in 27 young people under…
Macron, bureaucracy and the middle classes: letters from the readers of L’Express
Bureaucratic suffocation Francois de La Vaissière, Vernon (Eure) What a great idea to dedicate your cover to the grip of bureaucracy on our lives. The contributions of Jérôme Fourquet and…
Bureaucracy: David Lisnard’s call for a major simplifying shift
France ! Its landscapes, its wines, its cheeses, its luxury industries, its culture, its universalism…. and its bureaucratic maquis. Already in the 19th century, Emile de Girardin had grasped the…
War in Ukraine: Wagner’s boss castigates Russian “military bureaucracy”
Since October 2022, Russia has been carrying out a campaign of massive bombardments of essential infrastructure in Ukraine in an attempt to deprive the population, in the middle of winter,…
Do-it-yourself against bureaucracy? Yes and no… By Denys de Béchillon
According to the press, the “MacGyver” spirit is triumphing in Ukraine. Part of the resistance’s undeniable military successes came from the local do-it-yourself genius. Everyone hacks commercial drones or 4x4s…
the arrest of a traveling restaurateur reveals the problems of the bureaucracy
In Tunisia, the street food exists on every street corner, through snack stalls or even itinerant sellers of sandwiches, mlewis, a kind of pancake, and chapatis. However, when Habib el…