Tag: Bunschoten
OM demands more than 8.5 tons from the suspect of cannabis farms in Amersfoort and Bunschoten 5 years later
BUNSCHOTEN-SPAKENBURG – As far as the Public Prosecution Service is concerned, the 55-year-old MW does not have to go to prison, because it has been too long since two large…
Sunday rest turns out to be a breaking point in Bunschoten, SGP leaves coalition negotiations
The SGP is no longer participating in the talks about forming a coalition in Bunschoten. VVD, CDA and the Christian Workers Party (CAP) could not reach an agreement with the…
OM demands more than 8.5 tons from the suspect of old cannabis farms in Amersfoort and Bunschoten
BUNSCHOTEN-SPAKENBURG – As far as the Public Prosecution Service is concerned, the 55-year-old MW does not have to go to prison, because it has been too long since two large…
Bunschoten biogas plant no longer processes waste, green gas production is coming to an end
As of today, the waste will go to processors outside the province of Utrecht, who will turn it into green gas. Where exactly, De Jongh does not want to say.…
All signals on red for green gas in Bunschoten, biogas plant gets one more week
But that acquisition is not planned until mid-August, in the form of a share transaction. A solution would then have to lie in the biogas plant, which in its current…
Will there be a bird of prey park in Bunschoten after 4.5 years of breeding?
Although Settels had already consulted the municipality for 2.5 years and had many investigations carried out two years ago, the municipality now had to work with the views. And so…
New coalition in Bunschoten seems to rule out the largest Christian Union party again
In Bunschoten, the ChristenUnie traditionally comes out as the largest party. This time again, more than 32 percent of the Bunschoters voted for the party, which was good for six…
ChristenUnie threatens to be sidelined again in Bunschoten
Yesterday, 18:30 † 2 minutes reading time © RTV Utrecht / Jordi de Jong BUNSCHOTEN-SPAKENBURG – The VVD, CDA, SGP and CAP want to continue working together in Bunschoten for…
Bunschoten biogas plant permits have been taken away, but the company is still running at full speed
The Council of State ruled in mid-February that the province had correctly revoked the permits in the summer of 2020 because criminal offenses could be committed. For example, the Amsterdam…
List leader CAP becomes unwell during the Bunschoten election debate
The Bunschoterwho together with Omroep Spakenburg (de LOOSE), says that the combination of heavy drugs and a bladder infection was probably the cause. “De Jong has to take a rest…