Tag: Bruno
the details of the fight plan of Bruno Retailleau and Didier Migaud – L’Express
“Stand together” against drug trafficking. From Marseille, the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, and the Minister of Justice, Didier Migaud, displayed their unity, during a press conference organized this…
Bruno Le Maire defends himself against any “concealment” – L’Express
The former Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, estimated this Thursday, November 7 that the slippage of France’s public deficit to 6.1% of GDP in 2024 was “the…
between Bruno Retailleau and the Constitutional Council, a smell of return match – L’Express
This is the essence of any funeral ceremony. Tears are shed there in memory of the deceased. Bursts of laughter pepper the discussions of old acquaintances, sometimes reunited after many…
Murder in the Verdon gorges: when he was a minor, Bruno Wolkowitch got involved with an older woman and ended up in prison
Bruno Wolkowitch is an omnipresent actor on television, but very discreet. However, he has already confided in a juicy anecdote… Bruno Wolkowitch stars in the TV movie Murders in the…
Free: who was the real Bruno Sulak, gentleman robber who inspired the film on Prime Video?
Mélanie Laurent directs the film “Libre”, available this Friday, November 1 on Netflix. It tells the true story of the robber Bruno Sulak. Summary Less well known than Jacques Mesrine,…
Immigration: how far can Bruno Retailleau go?
Bruno Retailleau, the new Minister of the Interior, has made immigration control his main objective. Since his appointment, he has made several shocking declarations, even if it means stepping on…
“Bruno Le Maire’s record at Bercy is deplorable” – L’Express
Jacques de Larosière’s CV is undoubtedly one of the finest in the world of finance. Director of the Treasury under the presidency of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, he left in 1978…
Regularization “drop by drop”, third countries… Bruno Retailleau wants to toughen the rules for undocumented immigrants – L’Express
The rules for regularizing undocumented people in France could be quickly tightened. The Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau announced Wednesday October 9 in an interview with Parisian want to…
Bruno Retailleau sounds the charge against undocumented immigrants and frames the prefects
He has made it one of his priorities since his arrival at the Ministry of the Interior. Yesterday Bruno Retailleau brought together 21 prefects from the departments most affected by…
one of Osama Bin Laden’s sons banned from entering the country, announces Bruno Retailleau
Omar Bin Laden, son of Osama Bin Laden, was banned from entering France after terrorist comments on his social networks, Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau declared on October 8. 2 mins…