Tag: breakins
Both Men Jaled for Slew of Sarnia, Bright’s Grove Break-ins
Both Men Sarnia Police Charged Linked to A Rash of High-Price Thefts in the Sarnia and Bright’s Grove Area Last Year Using A Stolen Business Pickup Truck have now been…
Both Men Jaled for Slew of Sarnia, Bright’s Grove Break-ins
Both Men Sarnia Police Convicted in A Rash of High-Pré thefts in the Sarnia and Bright’s Grove Area Last Year Using A Stolen Business Pickup Truck Now Have Been Sentenced.…
Sarnia man jailed 2 years for break-ins throughout the city, Bright’s Grove
Breadcrumb Trail Links News Local News One of the two people charged in a rash of high-priced thefts in the Sarnia and Bright’s Grove area last year using a stolen…
Police looking for three men, one woman in connection to break-ins in Brant, Norfolk
Police have released photos of suspects believed to be involved in two Christmas Day robberies at variety stores. Article content At about 4 am on Dec. 25, Brant OPP were…
Police investigating two Christmas Day break-ins at variety stores
Two break-ins at variety stores Article content Police are investigating a possible connection between Christmas Day robberies at variety stores in Brant and Norfolk counties. At about 4 am on…
Everyone has this habit of closing the door to their house (but it makes break-ins easier)
We think we are protecting ourselves from burglars with this gesture, but it is quite the opposite that happens. When coming home, most people instinctively close their front door behind…
They should be extra vigilant about break-ins this autumn
During the autumn, more people risk having their homes broken into. According to the police this is because it gets darker, and then more burglars choose to strike. They also…
That’s why the acid break-ins happened – the police’s theory
“Had a deterrent effect” • The police: It concerns a foreign thief From the end of May to the middle of July, the Stockholm police received several reports of burglaries…
How to protect yourself against the new “acid break-ins”
In recent days, several similar burglaries have taken place in the Stockholm area. On Friday, the police said that several break-ins in Solna had consisted of the thieves injecting a…
Several break-ins in Finnish waterworks – could be Russia
Several waterworks in Finland have been subjected to burglaries during the summer.Now the police are investigating whether the events are linked and the questions are many.– Russia has talked about…