Tag: brain
5 rules to stimulate your brain
If there is no ready-made recipe, a certain healthy lifestyle is essential to stimulate the brain and keep it as long as possible in great shape. THEAs we learn, additional…
Being stressed during pregnancy is bad for the baby’s brain
According to a recent Scottish study, children born to mothers who were very stressed during their pregnancy could develop emotional disturbances during their lifetimes. We know it: during pregnancy, it…
The damage of Covid-19 on the human brain in pictures
Covid-19 attacks the respiratory tract but also the brain. During its annual meeting, the Radiological Society of North America presented the results of its study on the incidence of brain…
Too much salt slows blood flow in the brain
In the hypothalamus, a deep structure of the brain, excess salt in the blood decreases blood flow. This is the astonishing conclusion of a research group from the University of…
The peculiarities of the left-handed brain
Left-handed people are rare, only around 10% of human beings. How is this particularity expressed in the brain? Researchers have analyzed several thousand brain images to identify the differences between…