Tag: boycott
Local ICA store loses sales after the boycott
Local ICA retailer: “Lost five, six percent” • Think the boycott is incorrect Erik Olsson, local trader for ICA Maxi in Olofström says that the store noticed a sales loss…
So the boycott has affected sales
Food prices are rising and this week calls for a boycott of the food giants has been spread on social media. But has the protest action been effective? “The boycott…
Coop’s response in the middle of the boycott
The tour has come to the grocery chain Coop to respond to the boycott. In an interview with SVT, Anders Torell, acting CEO, explains how he looks at it. Several…
Armand Duplanti’s boycott after harsh criticism of Sarah Sjöström
Photo: Bildbyrån Armand Duplantis noble collaborations with Chinese sponsors.The spelling star’s agency has learned from the storm of criticism against Sarah Sjöströms Huawei cooperation.– It became almost unsustainable, says agent…
ICA’s response – after the food boycott: “Not a food giant”
Share-Arrowela UNSaveSpara Expand-Left Full Screen Photo: Amir Nabizadeh/TT This week, many people choose to boycott food giants on the occasion of rampant prices. Then ICA gives a message: We are…
In Sweden, the challenge of Trump’s policy results in a boycott of American products
Nearly one Swedes out of three Boycotte American products, in protest against the Trump administration, according to a survey by the Verian Opinion Institute. Outless by the American president’s policy…
Here you can shop during the boycott week 12
There are probably few Swedes who have avoided that a boycott has just begun against leading actors in the grocery trade. In a protest against the rising food prices, several…
Boycott grocery stores week 12? Hit is turning many instead
Week 12 is here and the boycott against Swedish grocery stores has now begun. But if you are participating in the boycott and a crisis occurs so you have to…
Alexander Norén: To boycott the food giants will not change prices
This week, a campaign begins that has been widely disseminated on social media, where Swedes are urged to boycott the big food giants as a protest against rising prices. According…