Tag: Boutcha
the difficult investigation of the Boutcha massacre continues
In Boutcha, more than 400 bodies have been found since the liberation of the city, according to the mayor. Only 160 have so far been identified, but the investigation continues.…
War in Ukraine: what we know about the “butcher of Boutcha”, Azatbek Omurbekov
The Russian lieutenant-colonel Azatbek Omurbekov already has a nickname: the “butcher of Boutcha”. The broadcast of images of the massacre of civilians in this Ukrainian city located near kyiv, following…
Massacre of Moura: in Mali, “the other Boutcha” of the Russians
Moura’s ordeal lasted a week. According to the organization Human Rights Watch, at least 300 civilian men were shot dead in this besieged small town in central Mali between March…
after Boutcha, a Russian offensive in the Dombass?
UKRAINE. Russian troops are concentrating their forces in Dombass, in eastern Ukraine, to take full control. After the discovery of the bodies of civilians killed by the Russian army in…
the horror of Boutcha described, unbearable testimonies
UKRAINE. New bodies of civilians were discovered in Boutcha, near kyiv, after the Russians left. As the Kremlin denies the responsibility of its army, a space technology company reveals satellite…
“war crimes” in Boutcha? Macron targets Russia
UKRAINE. The war in Ukraine is in full swing with the withdrawal of Russian troops from kyiv and several other areas of the country. But their passage gives way to…
Ukraine: Biden calls for a trial for Boutcha, France will expel 35 Russian diplomats
While Joe Biden demands a trial against Putin, Germany and France expel Russian diplomats and the European Union is considering new sanctions. Update on the situation in Ukraine on the…
the candidates denounce the “crimes” of Boutcha
Presidential candidates said Monday they were shocked by images of civilians killed in the kyiv region, denouncing “crimes” and calling for most to toughen sanctions against Russia. Six days before…
Boutcha: Zelensky and the West revolted, towards new sanctions against Moscow
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has slammed Russian troops as “murderers, torturers, rapists, looters” after the massacre of civilians uncovered in Boutcha, near kyiv, is expected to lead to new Western…
the images of corpses in Boutcha provoke an international outcry
The discovery on Saturday April 2 of numerous bodies of civilians in the town of Boutcha, near kyiv, after the withdrawal of Russian troops, caused shock waves in Ukraine and…