Tag: Borne
Macron and “the fault” of Darmanin, Borne is looking for women, the RN is looking for moles
This second five-year term like no other is far from over, yet 2027 and its cohort of putative candidates are already advancing. Behind the scenes, some learn to sketch tripping,…
France: Borne assures Darmanin, “2027 is a long way off”
After the back-to-school Council of Ministers, Elisabeth Borne provides after-sales service. Back to school, urban violence, inflation: the Prime Minister set her priorities in a long interview with France Bleu…
Elisabeth Borne says no to the return of “fuel vouchers”
Despite soaring petrol prices during the summer, the government has no plans to renew the fuel allowance granted to certain French households at the start of the year. Prime Minister…
Borne promises not to raise household taxes, Macron plans referendums
“No question” of increasing household taxes: Elisabeth Borne tried to reassure this Wednesday, August 23 during the return of the government, “mobilized” on the priorities of the French, while Emmanuel…
Heat wave: Elisabeth Borne activates an interministerial crisis unit
The government is on alert. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has decided, in the face of the heat wave which is raging in part of France, to activate an interministerial crisis…
Reshuffle: Emmanuel Macron 1, Elisabeth Borne 0
Emmanuel Macron took advantage of his “hundred days” to give birth to a new “at the same time” that could not be more Jupiterian: adjust and strengthen his government, yes;…
After the confirmation of Elisabeth Borne, the majority awaits the reshuffle
While Elisabeth Borne and the Élysée are at work to overhaul the French government, the presidential camp is united behind the Prime Minister, who has just been confirmed at Matignon…
confirmed in Matignon, Borne announces that the government will be reshuffled
Emmanuel Macron, who intends to speak by the end of the week, to recall his “cap”, confirmed this Monday July 17 Élisabeth Borne as Prime Minister. The latter now wishes…
Pap Ndiaye disconnected by the Elysée, Ségolène Royal and “the wicked” Elisabeth Borne
What would politics be without its stunts, its low blows, its twisted blows, its dirty tricks? Because, as Edouard Philippe would say, “we have to do things seriously without taking…
France: Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne occupy the field to call for “order” and “calm”
Return to the field for the French president and his Prime Minister after eight days of unrest caused by the death of a teenager killed at close range during a…