Tag: Books
Frédéric Mitterrand: “I’m not sure that Brad Pitt is very intelligent”
Readers of Cinema notebooks, go your own way: Frédéric Mitterrand has always been wary of the cold intellectualism of a certain French critical school. To pedantic analyses, he prefers fantasy…
Book sales: the battle of the generations
When the “old” resist. We thought they were forever relegated to the attics of bookstores, but no, they are there, in our Top 30, the novelists who have long passed…
Natalia Borodin, Mathieu Terence and Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt: books not to be missed
The Prague Scenario By Natalia Borodin. Le Cherche Midi, 432 pages, €21. The rating of L’Express: 4/5 The Prague scenario © / Look for noon It is a precious docu-novel…
Fantasy: the ten must-read novels
Thirty years ago, these tales of elves, goblins and bodybuilder barbarians living in semi-medieval worlds were looked upon with contempt. Since then, there has been the trilogy of Lord of…
‘Life on the Run’: John Boyne Gives ‘Boy in Striped Pajamas’ Sequel
On this Monday at the end of March, Dublin wakes up groggy after a crazy weekend. St. Patrick’s Day on Friday, the national rugby team grand slam on Saturday, and…
“Women are sluts, men are Don Juans” by Florence Montreynaud
/ Podcasts / Book France How can we put an end to the double sexual morality within our societies? This is what the book invites us to think about. Women…
When Frédéric Mitterrand elevates Brad Pitt to the rank of mythology
Don’t talk to Frederic Mitterrand about comedians like Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, Jude Law or Leonardo DiCaprio. He only has eyes for Brad Pitt – whom he only…
Bloody Prince books for sale
The bloodied copy of the book is a work of art that goes by the title “Blood money”, and is available in 25 copies. The blood has been donated by…
“Living naked”: journey to the land of another modesty
Naturists, “sans-culottes who say shit to the world and roast in the sun”. Their story, her story, Margaux Cassan, philosopher and biographer of Paul Ricœur, tells it, talented, in live…
One publisher can hide another, by Pierre Assouline
One editor can hide another. We only have this word to designate the boss and sometimes owner of a publishing house as well as its literary director, more directly involved…