Tag: Bolzano
A22, Salvini: “There is an urgent need for a ‘Bolzano Table’ at the Ministry to reduce traffic, pollution and inconvenience for citizens. Notice of fundamental passage”
(Finance) – “La publication of the notice on the A22 it is a step of fundamental importance. As a Ministry we are available to address the various traffic problems in…
Quality of life: Bolzano in the lead, Crotone bringing up the rear
(Finance) – Bolzano, followed by Milan and Bologna, earn the podium of the annual ranking in the 2023 Quality of Life Survey made by ItaliaOggi and Ital Communications, in collaboration…
In Bolzano, the FS Group is launching the regeneration of the area
(Finance) – “The Bolzano station is a necessary work to integrate the station into the urban fabric and encourage intermodal exchange”, stated theCEO of RFI, Gianpiero Strisciuglio at the end…
Province of Bolzano, from CDP 150 million for the completion of the ultra-broadband network
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The Autonomous Province of Bolzano will receive 150 million euros from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)with the resources that the institution will need to carry out…