Tag: Bollette
DL Bollette, Photovoltaic alliance: structural interventions to reduce energy costs
(Finance) – Alliance for photovoltaics In Italy it intervened today during the auditions at the Production Activities Commission of the Chamber of the deputies as part of the examination of…
Bollette Decree, last meeting at Palazzo Chigi before tomorrow’s CDM
(Finance) – It ended after about an hour a Building Chigi The summit convened by the Prime Minister Giorgia Melons To “close” the decree billsexpected in the Council of Ministers…
DL Bollette, CDM Sledta: Meloni asks “more effective measures”
(Finance) – Towards the postponement to Friday morning – instead of tomorrow – at 10 of the meeting of the Council of Ministers who should have approved, among other things,…
Bollette, Hera: Antitrust revokes precautionary measures after clarifications
(Finance) – The Agcm “has taken note of the clarifications provided”. He writes it Herain a note, referring to the notice of revocation of the precautionary measure against the Group…