Tag: birds
Which berries are used to feed birds in winter?
With the cold and the snow cover covering the ground, birds are running out of food in the dead of winter. Plant plants that produce decorative and nourishing berries for…
The migratory bird strategy to avoid overheating in flight
Some migratory birds can fly for several days without interruption and therefore without being able to shelter from the sun’s rays. A study carried out on more than 9,000 species…
Like a raptor, this robot carries objects and clings to branches
Researchers at Stanford University have succeeded in transforming a drone into a real bird capable of perching on any branch. Printed in 3D, the mechanism is inspired by the legs…
Climate change leads to chain divorce among albatrosses
Albatrosses are monogamous, but divorce occurs when a couple struggles to have or raise young. A study shows that climate variability also pushes females to divorce. You will also be…