Tag: billion
Enel, efficiencies of 1.5 billion euros in the plan with better processes and internalisation
(Finance) – Nel 2027, Enel expects to obtain efficiencies equal to approximately 1.5 billion euros compared to the 2022 baseline, increasing the objective by approximately 500 million euros compared to…
EVOLIO Expo, olive oil exports soar to 1.9 billion from January to July (+61% in value)
(Finance) – Our country confirms itself as one of the main exporters of olive oilimmediately after the Spain. According to Ismea calculations based on Istat data, in the first seven…
Superbonus, Enea: investments eligible for deduction in October drop to 115.5 billion
(Finance) – The number of certifications relating to the Super bonus 110%for energy efficiency interventions, presented by sending the application to Enea on 31 October 2024, was overall equal to…
Sweden buys anti-aircraft robots for five billion
The deal takes place together with several other NATO countries that share a total of 1,000 robots for a value of SEK 60 billion. The armed forces already use the…
Prysmian has launched the 3 billion euro EMTN programme
(Finance) – Prysmian announces the launch of the Euro Medium Term Note bond issuance program (EMTN) of the amount equal to 3 billion eurosannounced to the market on November 14,…
Sweden buys Patriot robots for five billion
share-arrowShare unsaveSave Sweden invests over five billion kroner in strengthened air defense. In collaboration with four other countries, a total of 1,000 robots for the Patriot air defense system are…
Interpump, 9-month profit down by 25%. Sales of 1.59 billion euros
(Finance) – Interpumpa group that is part of the FTSE MIB and is active in the production of water pumps and in the hydraulic sector, has registered net sales of…
MPS, MEF sells 15% at a premium for 1.1 billion euros
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has the transfer was completed of 188,975,176 ordinary shares Banca Monte dei Paschi di Sienaequal to 15% of the share capitalthrough…
FARO Alternative Investments presents its project and aims to raise 1 billion by 2026
(Finance) – The meeting with the financial community was held at Palazzo Mezzanotte FARO Alternative Investmentsthe alternative investment fund that operates with a globally active scalable platform and diversified investment…
BOT auctions, 9 billion euros placed with decreasing yields
(Finance) – Il Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) placed 9 billion euros of government bonds in the auctions for the placement of government bonds held on 12 November 2024.…