Tag: billion
“We Need 5 Billion Dollars A Month”
Addressing business circles at the Davos Economic Forum, the biggest meeting of the business world, stating that Ukraine “needs 5 billion dollars every month to continue fighting with Russia,” President…
War in Ukraine: the United States releases 40 billion dollars to support kyiv
The Ukrainian president evokes a “hell” to describe the Donbass, ground of the Russian offensive for several weeks. Vladimir Putin’s forces are increasing the pressure in this region of the…
Historical aid to Ukraine from the USA! $40 billion package approved
The US$40 billion aid package, which includes military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, was approved by the Senate by 11 votes to 86, after it was approved by the…
$ 12 billion for food crisis
The message to the host countries is to increase the production of food and fertilizers. “Rising food prices have a devastating effect on the poorest and most vulnerable,” said World…
$ 12 billion for food crisis
Published: Just now full screenA farmer monitors a grain mill in the Nile Delta. Egypt is one of the countries trying to increase its domestic wheat production after Russia attacked…
CDP, meeting ok for 2021 financial statements. Dividend at 1.28 billion
(Finance) – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) approved the financial statements as at 31 December 2021, which show a net profit of approximately € 2.37 billion.…
Saipem, shareholders’ meeting approves financial statements and capital increase of 2 billion
(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of Saipem approved, in the ordinary session, the 2021 financial statements which closed with a loss of 2.38 billion euros. In the Extraordinary session, the…
FS Italiane, in the Industrial Plan 16 billion of investments for Lazio
(Finance) – Over 16 billion euros of investments spread over all four new business poles. This is what is expected for Lazio on Industrial Plan 2022 – 2031 of the…
doValue, 1st quarter results up and Gross Book Value at 152.6 billion
(Finance) – doValue archives the first quarter with a net profit of € 8.9 million, compared to € 5.4 million in the first quarter of 2021. Excluding non-recurring items, net…
Azimut confirms 6-8 billion net inflows target for 2022
(Finance) – Azimutha group active in managed savings and included in the FTSE MIB, closed on first quarter of 2022 with consolidated revenues equal to 327.2 million euros (compared to…