Tag: big data
UFC-Que Choisir denounces online commercial surveillance
An Internet user who consults ten websites is tracked more than 4,000 times, explains UFC. The consumers’ association provides them with a free tool to find out what online platforms…
Weather forecast: how far in advance can we forecast the weather?
Today, we know how to predict the weather reliably at around 10 days. But thanks to the improvement of models and satellite observations, this delay is gradually increasing. Will we…
Dear Data: data visualization in all its art
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] The Incredible Journey of Global Internet Traffic When we connect to the Internet, our data travels a very long way. An email thus…
Cyberspace: what is it?
A vast term than that of cyberspace! If in the collective imagination, cyberspace is loosely defined as being the equivalent ofInternet, it is a world however much more complex to…