Tag: bid
Anima takeover bid, Banco BPM: Golden Power condition fulfilled. ECB evaluates Danish Compromise
(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) voluntary promoted by BPM desk on all of the ordinary shares of Soulthe offeror communicated that the Presidency of the…
illimity and Banca Ifis continue to rise on the stock market following the announcement of the takeover bid
(Finance) – illimitya banking group founded by Corrado Passera and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, e Ifis Banka group active in specialty finance and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, continue…
Comal takeover bid, membership commitments made for 12.99% of the capital
(Finance) – With regards to the public takeover offer (OPA) totalitarian voluntary announced by Duferco on the shares Comala company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the sector…
Banca Generali, green light from Consob and Bankitalia for a takeover bid for Intermonte
(Finance) – Green light from Consob and the Bank of Italy for the voluntary public takeover offer of Generali Bank on the ordinary shares of Intermonte: the membership period will…
CIR, provisional results of the takeover bid: holds 15.58% of its own shares
(Finance) – Based on preliminary data available at the end of the offer period, the takeover bid launched by CIR on n. 131,147,541 treasury shares of the Company collected subscriptions…
South Korea’s president passes the impeachment bid – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet
Regime forces abandon Homs: “You pigs! Now we are back!” South Korea’s president passes the impeachment bid South Korea’s president passes the impeachment bid Opposition lawmakers failed to impeach President…
CIR partial takeover bid, CONSOB restarts the investigation deadlines
(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) partial voluntary promoted by CIRa company listed on Euronext Milan which is owned by the De Benedetti family, the bidder…
Salcef, delisting effective November 19th after successful takeover bid
(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) mandatory totalitarian promoted on shares Salcef Groupa company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and operating in the railway industry, the…
Banca Generali takeover bid for Intermonte: does not fall under golden power, clearance from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
(Finance) – The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has communicated to Generali Bank that the takeover bid on Intermonteannounced in mid-September, does not fall within the scope of application…
Tweppy takeover bid, offer document published. Launching on November 11th
(Finance) – Oenne Srl, Hodl Srl and Bigiarini HDP Srl (the bidders) have the offer document has been published relating to the voluntary total public takeover offer (OPA) concerning all…