Tag: banks
These four big banks are finally removing these fees for all their customers
Several banks have decided to remove certain fees from their pricing policy. 50 cents here, 1 euro there… On the account statements of many French people, small expense lines are…
Major banks lower mortgage rates | SVT News
Pressured households with large mortgages have received the message they were hoping for. As the market predicted, the Riksbank chooses to lower the policy rate by 25 points to 3.75…
New fraud law could force banks to pay
If you are exposed to fraud, you yourself are responsible for the amount of money you lose. It is part of today’s legislation but may change. At the end of…
Intesa, Messina: I don’t think there will be significant M&A between banks
(Finance) – “I don’t think there will be significant operations in the country but for us, if there were, it would be a positive factor.” The Managing Director and CEO…
European price lists are positive. The banks ballast Milan
(Finance) – All signs of closure for European stock markets, with the exception of Piazza Affari, which closed a session marked by weakness. Tonic theS&P-500which on the US market marks…
a joint refinancing offer submitted by creditors and banks – L’Express
The creditors and banks of the struggling French IT giant Atos have sent a joint refinancing offer to the group, weighed down by a heavy debt and lacking new money…
a joint refinancing offer submitted by creditors and banks – L’Express
The creditors and banks of the struggling French IT giant Atos have sent a joint refinancing offer to the group, weighed down by a heavy debt and lacking new money…
Fitch: Exit of French banks from Africa stimulates competition among local banks
(Finance) – Theexit of French banks from Africawhich is nearing the end, offers emerging pan-African banking groups significant space to grow, both organically and through mergers and acquisitions. Fitch Ratings…
Banks, Bankitalia activates capital reserve against systemic risk
(Finance) – The Bank of Italy has decided to apply to all banks authorized in Italy a systemic risk buffer (SyRB) equal to 1.0 percent of credit and counterparty risk-weighted…
The banks of the Loire by bike
Navigate by keyboard Previous Following Cycle route of almost 800 km, “The Loire by Bike” constitutes one of the most beautiful cycle routes in France. Through the Center and Pays…