Tag: bacterium
Depression: intestinal bacteria could promote it
News Published on 02/08/2022 at 6:54 p.m., Reading 1 min. In our intestines, our microbiota groups together billions of bacteria. According to American researchers, two types of bacteria in this…
How to avoid food poisoning?
Food should be stored with care to avoid food poisoning. © FOOD-micro, Fotolia You will also be interested Christmas and New Year’s Eve are often the occasion for (too?) Abundant…
Species take advantage of plastic waste in the ocean to cross ecological barriers
Since the Japanese tsunami of 2011, scientists suspect that coastal species may be able to surf plastic waste to find themselves living in the open sea. Thus breaking down biogeographical…
Carrefour baby diaper cream recalled from the market
News Posted on 05/12/2021 1 min read Carrefour stores recall a cream for changing the baby. In question: a bacterium which can create deep wounds. The skin of children and…