Tag: avoid
These Kidney-Bad Foods (Avoid)
The kidneys filter toxic substances carried by the blood as well as excess water and evacuate them in the urine. Here are the foods to avoid in prevention or when…
Presented as the miracle solution against the waves emitted by smartphones, the anti-wave patches touted by many influencers are not only useless, but also dangerous. Accessories to avoid!
Presented as the miracle solution against the waves emitted by smartphones, the anti-wave patches touted by many influencers are not only useless, but also dangerous. Accessories to avoid! Summary Between…
in the Senate, Gérard Larcher wants to avoid any slippage
The Senate began, Thursday, March 2, its examination of the pension reform project. For eleven days, the Upper House will discuss this disputed text. Debates that should be less heated…
Vitamins and pregnancy: which ones to take or avoid?
During pregnancy, taking vitamin supplements is sometimes necessary for pregnant women. Which vitamins to take and which to avoid? When can you start a vitamin cure while pregnant? We take…
Reconstruction of Ukraine: “We must avoid unbridled reurbanisation”
A year after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure are in tatters. International institutions are planning the biggest reconstruction effort since World War II. Last…
Dengue fever: how to avoid an explosion of cases this summer?
Is she the new threat of the summer? Dengue fever has become a source of “concern” for Public Health France (SPF). “This virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus…
Shipping dead with Putin’s air fleet: “Avoid panic”
Published: Just now Dead bodies pile up in a military hospital near the Ukrainian border. Then the cargoes are flown out into the regions by Putin’s government fleet, according to…
Avoid this mistake! Causes dental tartar to form
The importance of brushing teeth regularly in order to maintain oral and dental hygiene is stated at every opportunity. However, some people think that brushing is insufficient for cleaning and…
Avoid the consumption of these foods after the earthquake! It is vital
The effects of the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquake continue throughout the country. Interventions for the survivors of the earthquake, which killed many people, are very important. Wrong interventions made to people who…
Avoid putting this cap on your child!
News Published on 02/13/2023 at 12:25 p.m. Updated 02/13/2023 at 12:25 p.m. Reading 1 min. Known for its food product recalls, the Rappel Conso site also lists defective items. It…