Tag: attractive
Destiny 2 wants to make old content attractive again, but spoils it with an annoying restriction
At the start of Season 17 in Destiny 2, the new raid and dungeon rotation also went live. Actually cool, because it should make older content worthwhile again and provide…
Does toxoplasmosis make you more attractive?
News Posted 8 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. Infection due to a parasite, baptized Toxoplasma gondii, toxoplasmosis would affect about half of the population without apparent symptoms. According to a…
“Zero Covid” and Ukraine make China less attractive for EU businesses
The “zero Covid” policy in China and the war in Ukraine make the Chinese market less attractive for European companies. This is the conclusion of a study published this Thursday,…
End of the French diplomatic corps: “It can make the job less attractive”
The government has acted by a decree published Monday, April 18 in the Official Journal, the “put in extinction” of the most prestigious diplomatic corps of France: that of the…
Kilometer scale 2022: an attractive revaluation, for what gain?
KILOMETRIC SCALE 2022. Large riders will benefit from the revaluation of the kilometer scale this year. How much will you earn? All the answers to your questions. Summary [Mis à…
Kilometer scale 2022: an attractive revaluation, for what gain?
KILOMETRIC SCALE 2022. Large riders will benefit from the revaluation of the kilometer scale this year. How much will you earn? All the answers to your questions. Summary [Mis à…
Bicycle streets and wider bicycle paths: the Foodvalley region must become more attractive for cyclists
Today, 21:30 † 2 minutes reading time © Province of Utrecht PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – Widening bicycle paths, constructing bicycle streets, improving crossings at intersections and constructing separate bicycle paths.…
Co-governing again does not seem very attractive to the VVD in Amersfoort
“This is cutting in.” The first conclusion this morning after an eventful evening and night was clear to VVD party chairman Maarten Flikkema. The Liberals lost two of the six…
Prime Macron 2022: an attractive upgrade… How much could you earn?
PRIME MACRON 2022. Emmanuel Macron has positioned himself in favor of a significant increase in the PEPA bonus in the event of re-election on April 24. How much ? How…
2022 mileage scale: an attractive upgrade, for whom?
KILOMETRIC SCALE 2022. The revaluation of the kilometric scale will take place in a few weeks and should allow some to make significant savings. For who ? When ? We…