Tag: asylum
Daily allowance for asylum seekers has not been increased in 28 years
Marina cannot shop in regular grocery stores, but is referred to the Stockholm City Mission’s subsidized grocery store Matmissionen. In addition to that, she receives help from charities and associations…
Asylum immigration costs 93 billion per year
Published: Less than 10 min ago full screen The Sweden Democrats’ party leader Jimmie Åkesson and economic policy spokesperson Oscar Sjöstedt present a report on the costs of asylum-related immigration…
Hotel in Houten temporarily accommodates asylum seekers
The hotel on the Hoofdveste is used as a crisis shelter to relieve the overcrowded registration center in Ter Apel. “There is a chronic shortage of reception locations throughout the…
From now on, the government will adjust its own destination for asylum seekers’ center at refuse municipalities
One of those instruments is the possible transfer of permits from municipalities. If a location is suitable for an asylum seekers center, but does not have the correct destination, the…
All security regions must again arrange extra crisis emergency accommodation for asylum seekers
That accelerated out-of-home placement “actually does not happen”, says the spokesperson. “Municipalities are willing and doing their best”, but the shortage on the housing market, the waiting lists for other…
Rwanda lacks space for asylum seekers
Published: Less than 2 hours ago full screen The British government’s decision to send asylum seekers to Rwanda has been met with protests. Archive image. Photo: Alastair Grant/AP/TT Rwanda only…
Rwanda lacks space for asylum seekers
The reason is that one of the facilities – Hope Hostel in the capital Kigali – which would serve as accommodation during the asylum process only has room for 200…
Utrecht takes ‘radical’ measures to tackle the asylum crisis and housing market
Aldermen Streefland and De Vries acknowledge that the measure can lead to skewed faces among people who are looking for a house. The waiting time for a rental home at…
Eemnes receives asylum seekers in Hotel de Witte Bergen
The asylum seekers can stay in Eemnes until 20 August, but possibly even longer. “The security regions have requested that the options for crisis emergency shelter be examined for a…
Reception crisis drives a hundred asylum seekers to Amersfoort sports hall: ‘Draging people through the country is not humane’
Especially because the reception of asylum seekers is actually not up to the municipalities. “It is not our core task, we would rather not have it, we have to make…